Frontend March 22: Vue3 mini-update

Lmao this might as well be a pleroma shitpost, but since it's somewhat important I'll post it here as well.

Vue3 branch is ready for early-alpha testing

Don't merge it into your "main" branch as reverting it would be a pain due to sheer amount of changes. I try to keep it up-to-date with develop branch still. I will be dogfooding it on sgsgb when pleroma instance opens up (SOON)

Currently known bugs:

  • Some spacings are messed up
    • This is due to spaces in html/templates being gobbled up by new compiler, need to figure this out.
  • Some animations are supposedly broken but I don't remember where animations are, lmao.
  • Tests are green but as stable as box of dynamite rn, tests aren't independent and there are some glitches, it is passing (although 2 minor tests were skipped) but writing new tests will be a pain.

Overall, a big milestone nonetheless. Remember - when we get vue3 fully supported we'll be able to finally implement The 3-column layout as well as Multicolumn in general.