HJ (11)

Pleroma happening 2018-2022

Merry christmas, happy hannuka, happy holidays, and if you have a problem with "happy holidays" then happy shut the fuck up -- AVGN End of the year, Christmass, all of that - is a good time for reflection. And honestly, I really wanted to do…

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Frontend Haloween 11: spoonky edition

Whew, been a while, huh? A lot of us was either taking a break, busy being sick, tired or all of the above. At least I personally am trying to get back into development, so here's some updates: SPC users probably already seen her. Since…

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Frontend Summer 24: Juhannus* Edition

Two blog posts in a single day? You betcha! TN: Juhannus means Midsummer, as in, the midsummer holiday in Finland, which is today, on June 24th. It's been a while, here's some news from world of Pleroma development. Another technical thing going on - previously…

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Convenience audio setup (part 2): Hardware Knobs

Last time I talked about setting up multiple virtual audio devices to easily adjust game volume separately from music volume. It's nice and all but ther are two major problems: The solution for it is to make hotkeys for vol+/vol- on specific devices and make…

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HJ's Deep Rock Galactic ebin mods list

Logo i made that I recommend you use for steam library. https://www.steamgriddb.com/logo/99336 This blog post will be (periodicaly) updated with DRG mods I use (and recommend for others) Everything's in alphabetical order

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