Henry Jameson e2eeded539 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into shigusegubu
* origin/develop: (126 commits)
  Revert "Merge branch 'copyright-bump' into 'develop'"
  Bump copyright year
  Extract translatable strings
  mix: version 2.5.50
  mix: Release 2.5.0
  CHANGELOG: Set 2.5.0
  Git merge is not my favorite tool
  Revert "Delete report notifs when demoting from superuser"
  Update PleromaFE bundle to 2.5.0
  Make lint happy
  Use crazy hack to finally get pleroma:report notifications not visible after revoking privileges
  Update AdminFE bundle to version 2.5.0
  Extract translatable strings
  Fix TwitterCard meta tags
  Fix CommonAPI delete function to use User.privileged? instead of User.superuser?
  use to_rfc2822 instead of pub_date in tests, too
  document rss/atom fix in changelog
  modify user feed controller test to expect summary for title
  remove pub_date() -- use to_rfc2822 instead
  remove ap_id test -- the element makes the feed break
2023-01-03 20:58:13 +02:00

906 lines
24 KiB

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# !!! ATTENTION !!!
# FIGURATION! EDIT YOUR SECRET FILE (either prod.secret.exs, dev.secret.exs).
# This file is responsible for configuring your application
# and its dependencies with the aid of the Config module.
# This configuration file is loaded before any dependency and
# is restricted to this project.
import Config
# General application configuration
config :pleroma, ecto_repos: [Pleroma.Repo]
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Repo,
telemetry_event: [Pleroma.Repo.Instrumenter],
migration_lock: nil
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Captcha,
enabled: true,
seconds_valid: 300,
method: Pleroma.Captcha.Native
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha, endpoint: ""
# Upload configuration
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Upload,
uploader: Pleroma.Uploaders.Local,
filters: [Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe],
link_name: false,
proxy_remote: false,
filename_display_max_length: 30,
default_description: :filename,
base_url: nil
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.Local, uploads: "uploads"
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.S3,
bucket: nil,
bucket_namespace: nil,
truncated_namespace: nil,
streaming_enabled: true
config :ex_aws, :s3,
# host: "", # required if not Amazon AWS
access_key_id: nil,
secret_access_key: nil,
# region: "us-east-1", # may be required for Amazon AWS
scheme: "https://"
config :pleroma, :emoji,
shortcode_globs: ["/emoji/custom/**/*.png"],
pack_extensions: [".png", ".gif"],
groups: [
Custom: ["/emoji/*.png", "/emoji/**/*.png"]
default_manifest: "",
shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file: 60
config :pleroma, :uri_schemes,
valid_schemes: [
websocket_config = [
path: "/websocket",
serializer: [
{Phoenix.Socket.V1.JSONSerializer, "~> 1.0.0"},
{Phoenix.Socket.V2.JSONSerializer, "~> 2.0.0"}
timeout: 60_000,
transport_log: false,
compress: false
# Configures the endpoint
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
url: [host: "localhost"],
http: [
ip: {127, 0, 0, 1},
dispatch: [
{"/api/v1/streaming", Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.WebsocketHandler, []},
{"/websocket", Phoenix.Endpoint.CowboyWebSocket,
{Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, Pleroma.Web.UserSocket, websocket_config}}},
{:_, Phoenix.Endpoint.Cowboy2Handler, {Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, []}}
protocol: "https",
secret_key_base: "aK4Abxf29xU9TTDKre9coZPUgevcVCFQJe/5xP/7Lt4BEif6idBIbjupVbOrbKxl",
live_view: [signing_salt: "U5ELgdEwTD3n1+D5s0rY0AMg8/y1STxZ3Zvsl3bWh+oBcGrYdil0rXqPMRd3Glcq"],
signing_salt: "CqaoopA2",
render_errors: [view: Pleroma.Web.ErrorView, accepts: ~w(json)],
pubsub_server: Pleroma.PubSub,
secure_cookie_flag: true,
extra_cookie_attrs: [
# Configures Elixir's Logger
config :logger, :console,
level: :debug,
format: "\n$time $metadata[$level] $message\n",
metadata: [:request_id]
config :logger, :ex_syslogger,
level: :debug,
ident: "pleroma",
format: "$metadata[$level] $message",
metadata: [:request_id]
config :mime, :types, %{
"application/xml" => ["xml"],
"application/xrd+xml" => ["xrd+xml"],
"application/jrd+json" => ["jrd+json"],
"application/activity+json" => ["activity+json"],
"application/ld+json" => ["activity+json"]
config :tesla, adapter: Tesla.Adapter.Hackney
# Configures http settings, upstream proxy etc.
config :pleroma, :http,
proxy_url: nil,
send_user_agent: true,
user_agent: :default,
adapter: []
config :pleroma, :instance,
name: "Shigusegubu",
email: "",
notify_email: "",
description: "SigSegV, a pleroma instance",
short_description: "HJ's semi-personal instance",
background_image: "/images/city.jpg",
instance_thumbnail: "/instance/thumbnail.jpeg",
limit: 5_000,
description_limit: 5_000,
remote_limit: 100_000,
upload_limit: 200_000_000,
avatar_upload_limit: 2_000_000,
background_upload_limit: 4_000_000,
banner_upload_limit: 4_000_000,
poll_limits: %{
max_options: 20,
max_option_chars: 200,
min_expiration: 0,
max_expiration: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
registrations_open: true,
invites_enabled: false,
account_activation_required: false,
account_approval_required: false,
federating: true,
federation_incoming_replies_max_depth: 100,
federation_reachability_timeout_days: 7,
federation_publisher_modules: [
allow_relay: true,
public: true,
quarantined_instances: [{ "", "leaks private posts or sumshit i dont rember" }],
static_dir: "instance/static/",
allowed_post_formats: [
autofollowed_nicknames: [],
autofollowing_nicknames: [],
max_pinned_statuses: 1,
attachment_links: true,
max_report_comment_size: 1000,
report_strip_status: true,
safe_dm_mentions: false,
healthcheck: false,
remote_post_retention_days: 90,
skip_thread_containment: true,
limit_to_local_content: :unauthenticated,
user_bio_length: 5000,
user_name_length: 100,
max_account_fields: 10,
max_remote_account_fields: 20,
account_field_name_length: 512,
account_field_value_length: 2048,
registration_reason_length: 500,
external_user_synchronization: true,
extended_nickname_format: true,
cleanup_attachments: false,
multi_factor_authentication: [
totp: [
# digits 6 or 8
digits: 6,
period: 30
backup_codes: [
number: 5,
length: 16
show_reactions: true,
password_reset_token_validity: 60 * 60 * 24,
profile_directory: true,
admin_privileges: [
moderator_privileges: [:messages_delete, :reports_manage_reports],
max_endorsed_users: 20,
birthday_required: false,
birthday_min_age: 0,
max_media_attachments: 1_000
config :pleroma, :welcome,
direct_message: [
enabled: false,
sender_nickname: nil,
message: nil
chat_message: [
enabled: false,
sender_nickname: nil,
message: nil
email: [
enabled: false,
sender: nil,
subject: "Welcome to <%= instance_name %>",
html: "Welcome to <%= instance_name %>",
text: "Welcome to <%= instance_name %>"
config :pleroma, :feed,
post_title: %{
max_length: 100,
omission: "..."
config :pleroma, :markup,
# XXX - unfortunately, inline images must be enabled by default right now, because
# of custom emoji. Issue #275 discusses defanging that somehow.
allow_inline_images: true,
allow_headings: false,
allow_tables: false,
allow_fonts: false,
scrub_policy: [
config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations,
pleroma_fe: %{
alwaysShowSubjectInput: false,
background: "/static/sigsegv_s.png",
collapseMessageWithSubject: false,
disableChat: false,
greentext: false,
hideFilteredStatuses: false,
hideMutedPosts: false,
hidePostStats: false,
hideSitename: false,
hideUserStats: false,
loginMethod: "password",
logo: "/static/logo.svg",
logoMargin: ".1em",
logoMask: true,
minimalScopesMode: true,
noAttachmentLinks: false,
nsfwCensorImage: "",
postContentType: "text/plain",
redirectRootLogin: "/main/friends",
redirectRootNoLogin: "/main/all",
scopeCopy: false,
sidebarRight: false,
showFeaturesPanel: true,
showInstanceSpecificPanel: true,
subjectLineBehavior: "noop",
theme: "sigsegv2",
webPushNotifications: false
config :pleroma, :assets,
mascots: [
pleroma_fox_tan: %{
url: "/images/pleroma-fox-tan-smol.png",
mime_type: "image/png"
pleroma_fox_tan_shy: %{
url: "/images/pleroma-fox-tan-shy.png",
mime_type: "image/png"
default_mascot: :pleroma_fox_tan
config :pleroma, :manifest,
icons: [
src: "/static/logo.svg",
type: "image/svg+xml"
theme_color: "#282c37",
background_color: "#191b22"
config :pleroma, :activitypub,
unfollow_blocked: true,
outgoing_blocks: true,
blockers_visible: true,
follow_handshake_timeout: 500,
note_replies_output_limit: 5,
sign_object_fetches: true,
authorized_fetch_mode: false
config :pleroma, :streamer,
workers: 3,
overflow_workers: 2
config :pleroma, :user, deny_follow_blocked: true
config :pleroma, :mrf_normalize_markup, scrub_policy: Pleroma.HTML.Scrubber.Default
config :pleroma, :mrf_rejectnonpublic,
allow_followersonly: false,
allow_direct: false
config :pleroma, :mrf_hellthread,
delist_threshold: 10,
reject_threshold: 20
config :pleroma, :mrf_simple,
media_removal: [],
media_nsfw: [
{ "", "pron or even cp" },
{ "", "i don't rember" },
{ "", "instance is dead but i still remember, rip smuglo" },
{ "", "pron" },
{ "", "3dpd pron" },
{ "", "tasteful pron, mostly." },
{ "", "3dpd pron" }
federated_timeline_removal: [
{ "", "pron or even cp" },
{ "", "i don't rember" },
{ "", "pron" },
{ "", "3dpd pron" },
{ "", "tasteful pron, mostly." },
{ "", "3dpd pron" }
report_removal: [],
reject: [],
followers_only: [],
accept: [],
avatar_removal: [],
banner_removal: [],
reject_deletes: []
config :pleroma, :mrf_keyword,
reject: [],
federated_timeline_removal: [],
replace: []
config :pleroma, :mrf_hashtag,
sensitive: ["nsfw"],
reject: [],
federated_timeline_removal: []
config :pleroma, :mrf_subchain, match_actor: %{}
config :pleroma, :mrf_activity_expiration, days: 365
config :pleroma, :mrf_vocabulary,
accept: [],
reject: []
# threshold of 7 days
config :pleroma, :mrf_object_age,
threshold: 604_800,
actions: [:delist, :strip_followers]
config :pleroma, :mrf_follow_bot, follower_nickname: nil
config :pleroma, :rich_media,
enabled: true,
ignore_hosts: [],
ignore_tld: ["local", "localdomain", "lan"],
parsers: [
failure_backoff: 60_000,
ttl_setters: [Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.TTL.AwsSignedUrl]
config :pleroma, :media_proxy,
enabled: false,
invalidation: [
enabled: false,
provider: Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script
proxy_opts: [
redirect_on_failure: false,
max_body_length: 25 * 1_048_576,
# Note: max_read_duration defaults to Pleroma.ReverseProxy.max_read_duration_default/1
max_read_duration: 30_000,
http: [
follow_redirect: true,
pool: :media
whitelist: []
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http,
method: :purge,
headers: [],
options: []
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script,
script_path: nil,
url_format: nil
# Note: media preview proxy depends on media proxy to be enabled
config :pleroma, :media_preview_proxy,
enabled: false,
thumbnail_max_width: 600,
thumbnail_max_height: 600,
image_quality: 85,
min_content_length: 100 * 1024
config :pleroma, :shout,
enabled: false,
limit: 5_000
config :phoenix, :format_encoders, json: Jason, "activity+json": Jason
config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason
config :phoenix, :filter_parameters, ["password", "confirm"]
config :pleroma, :gopher,
enabled: false,
ip: {0, 0, 0, 0},
port: 9999
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Metadata,
providers: [
unfurl_nsfw: false
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Preload,
providers: [
config :pleroma, :http_security,
enabled: true,
sts: false,
sts_max_age: 31_536_000,
ct_max_age: 2_592_000,
referrer_policy: "same-origin"
config :cors_plug,
max_age: 86_400,
methods: ["POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "GET", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"],
expose: [
credentials: true,
headers: ["Authorization", "Content-Type", "Idempotency-Key"]
config :pleroma, Pleroma.User,
restricted_nicknames: [
email_blacklist: []
config :pleroma, Oban,
repo: Pleroma.Repo,
log: false,
queues: [
activity_expiration: 10,
token_expiration: 5,
filter_expiration: 1,
backup: 1,
federator_incoming: 5,
federator_outgoing: 5,
ingestion_queue: 50,
web_push: 50,
mailer: 10,
transmogrifier: 20,
scheduled_activities: 10,
poll_notifications: 10,
background: 5,
remote_fetcher: 2,
attachments_cleanup: 1,
new_users_digest: 1,
mute_expire: 5
plugins: [Oban.Plugins.Pruner],
crontab: [
{"0 0 * * 0", Pleroma.Workers.Cron.DigestEmailsWorker},
{"0 0 * * *", Pleroma.Workers.Cron.NewUsersDigestWorker}
config :pleroma, :workers,
retries: [
federator_incoming: 5,
federator_outgoing: 5
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Formatter,
class: false,
rel: "ugc",
new_window: false,
truncate: false,
strip_prefix: false,
extra: true,
validate_tld: :no_scheme
config :pleroma, :ldap,
enabled: System.get_env("LDAP_ENABLED") == "true",
host: System.get_env("LDAP_HOST") || "localhost",
port: String.to_integer(System.get_env("LDAP_PORT") || "389"),
ssl: System.get_env("LDAP_SSL") == "true",
sslopts: [],
tls: System.get_env("LDAP_TLS") == "true",
tlsopts: [],
base: System.get_env("LDAP_BASE") || "dc=example,dc=com",
uid: System.get_env("LDAP_UID") || "cn"
config :esshd,
enabled: false
oauth_consumer_strategies =
|> to_string()
|> String.split()
|>, ":")))
ueberauth_providers =
for strategy <- oauth_consumer_strategies do
strategy_module_name = "Elixir.Ueberauth.Strategy.#{String.capitalize(strategy)}"
strategy_module = String.to_atom(strategy_module_name)
{String.to_atom(strategy), {strategy_module, [callback_params: ["state"]]}}
config :ueberauth,
base_path: "/oauth",
providers: ueberauth_providers
config :pleroma, :auth, oauth_consumer_strategies: oauth_consumer_strategies
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Sendmail, enabled: false
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail,
logo: nil,
styling: %{
link_color: "#d8a070",
background_color: "#2C3645",
content_background_color: "#1B2635",
header_color: "#d8a070",
text_color: "#b9b9ba",
text_muted_color: "#b9b9ba"
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail, enabled: false
config :prometheus, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter,
enabled: false,
auth: false,
ip_whitelist: [],
path: "/api/pleroma/app_metrics",
format: :text
config :pleroma, Pleroma.ScheduledActivity,
daily_user_limit: 25,
total_user_limit: 300,
enabled: true
config :pleroma, :email_notifications,
digest: %{
active: false,
interval: 7,
inactivity_threshold: 7
config :pleroma, :oauth2,
token_expires_in: 3600 * 24 * 365 * 100,
issue_new_refresh_token: true,
clean_expired_tokens: false
config :pleroma, :database, rum_enabled: false
config :pleroma, :features, improved_hashtag_timeline: :auto
config :pleroma, :populate_hashtags_table, fault_rate_allowance: 0.01
config :pleroma, :delete_context_objects, fault_rate_allowance: 0.01
config :pleroma, :env, Mix.env()
config :http_signatures,
adapter: Pleroma.Signature
config :pleroma, :rate_limit,
authentication: {60_000, 15},
timeline: {500, 3},
search: [{1000, 10}, {1000, 30}],
app_account_creation: {1_800_000, 25},
relations_actions: {10_000, 10},
relation_id_action: {60_000, 2},
statuses_actions: {10_000, 15},
status_id_action: {60_000, 3},
password_reset: {1_800_000, 5},
account_confirmation_resend: {8_640_000, 5},
ap_routes: {60_000, 15}
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity, enabled: true, min_lifetime: 600
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp,
enabled: true,
headers: ["x-forwarded-for"],
proxies: [],
reserved: [
config :pleroma, :static_fe, enabled: false
# Example of frontend configuration
# This example will make us serve the primary frontend from the
# frontends directory within your `:pleroma, :instance, static_dir`.
# e.g., instance/static/frontends/pleroma/develop/
# With no frontend configuration, the bundled files from the `static` directory will
# be used.
# config :pleroma, :frontends,
# primary: %{"name" => "pleroma-fe", "ref" => "develop"},
# admin: %{"name" => "admin-fe", "ref" => "stable"},
# available: %{...}
config :pleroma, :frontends,
available: %{
"kenoma" => %{
"name" => "kenoma",
"git" => "",
"build_url" =>
"ref" => "master"
"pleroma-fe" => %{
"name" => "pleroma-fe",
"git" => "",
"build_url" =>
"ref" => "develop"
"fedi-fe" => %{
"name" => "fedi-fe",
"git" => "",
"build_url" =>
"ref" => "master",
"custom-http-headers" => [
{"service-worker-allowed", "/"}
"admin-fe" => %{
"name" => "admin-fe",
"git" => "",
"build_url" =>
"ref" => "develop"
"soapbox" => %{
"name" => "soapbox",
"git" => "",
"build_url" =>
"ref" => "v3.0.0-beta.1",
"build_dir" => "static"
"glitch-lily" => %{
"name" => "glitch-lily",
"git" => "",
"build_url" =>
"ref" => "servant",
"build_dir" => "public"
config :pleroma, :web_cache_ttl,
activity_pub: nil,
activity_pub_question: 30_000
config :pleroma, :modules, runtime_dir: "instance/modules"
config :pleroma, configurable_from_database: true
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Repo,
parameters: [gin_fuzzy_search_limit: "500"],
prepare: :unnamed
config :pleroma, :connections_pool,
reclaim_multiplier: 0.1,
connection_acquisition_wait: 250,
connection_acquisition_retries: 5,
max_connections: 250,
max_idle_time: 30_000,
retry: 0,
connect_timeout: 5_000
config :pleroma, :pools,
federation: [
size: 50,
max_waiting: 10,
recv_timeout: 10_000
media: [
size: 50,
max_waiting: 20,
recv_timeout: 15_000
upload: [
size: 25,
max_waiting: 5,
recv_timeout: 15_000
default: [
size: 10,
max_waiting: 2,
recv_timeout: 5_000
config :pleroma, :hackney_pools,
federation: [
max_connections: 50,
timeout: 150_000
media: [
max_connections: 50,
timeout: 150_000
upload: [
max_connections: 25,
timeout: 300_000
config :pleroma, :majic_pool, size: 2
private_instance? = :if_instance_is_private
config :pleroma, :restrict_unauthenticated,
timelines: %{local: private_instance?, federated: private_instance?},
profiles: %{local: private_instance?, remote: private_instance?},
activities: %{local: private_instance?, remote: private_instance?}
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate, strict: false
config :pleroma, :mrf,
policies: [
transparency: true,
transparency_exclusions: []
config :tzdata, :http_client, Pleroma.HTTP.Tzdata
config :ex_aws, http_client: Pleroma.HTTP.ExAws
config :web_push_encryption, http_client: Pleroma.HTTP.WebPush
config :pleroma, :instances_favicons, enabled: false
config :floki, :html_parser, Floki.HTMLParser.FastHtml
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator, Pleroma.Web.Auth.PleromaAuthenticator
config :pleroma, Pleroma.User.Backup,
purge_after_days: 30,
limit_days: 7,
dir: nil
config :pleroma, ConcurrentLimiter, [
{Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers, [max_running: 5, max_waiting: 5]},
{Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy, [max_running: 5, max_waiting: 5]}
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.WebFinger, domain: nil, update_nickname_on_user_fetch: true
# Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom
# of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above.
import_config "#{Mix.env()}.exs"