Henry Jameson 74db8f4769 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into shigusegubu
* origin/develop: (381 commits) Add entry for re-registration ban
  Reword changelog entry for follow relationship bug
  Mastodon API: do not create a following relationship if the corresponding follow request doesn't exist when calling `POST /api/v1/follow_requests/:id/authorize`
  Deactivate local users on deletion instead of deleting the record
  [#1732] Made AP C2S :followers and :following endpoints serve on no auth (as for related :api pipeline endpoints).
  PleromaFE bundle supporting follow request notifications. 5f90b6a384
  static-fe.css: Restore and move to /priv/static/static-fe
  OpenAPI: Add `follow_request` to notification types
  Fix sporadic test compilation failure caused by unused alias
  OpenAPI: Remove max pagination limit from the spec
  Updated PleromaFE bundle to prevent notifications loading issue due to unsupported parameter (`with_move`).
  MappedSignatureToIdentityPlug: Fix.
  Signature: Handle non-ap ids in key ids.
  Made follow request notifications non-optional (removed config switch).
  Increase tests on AP C2S
  Dismiss the follow request notification on rejection
  fix for auth check
  docs update
  docs fix
  list of options for pack metadata
2020-05-02 20:03:41 +03:00

678 lines
17 KiB

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# !!! ATTENTION !!!
# FIGURATION! EDIT YOUR SECRET FILE (either prod.secret.exs, dev.secret.exs).
# This file is responsible for configuring your application
# and its dependencies with the aid of the Mix.Config module.
# This configuration file is loaded before any dependency and
# is restricted to this project.
use Mix.Config
# General application configuration
config :pleroma, ecto_repos: [Pleroma.Repo]
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Repo,
types: Pleroma.PostgresTypes,
telemetry_event: [Pleroma.Repo.Instrumenter],
migration_lock: nil
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Captcha,
enabled: true,
seconds_valid: 300,
method: Pleroma.Captcha.Native
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha, endpoint: ""
# Upload configuration
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Upload,
uploader: Pleroma.Uploaders.Local,
filters: [Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe],
link_name: false,
proxy_remote: false,
proxy_opts: [
redirect_on_failure: false,
max_body_length: 25 * 1_048_576,
http: [
follow_redirect: true,
pool: :upload
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.Local, uploads: "uploads"
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.S3,
bucket: nil,
streaming_enabled: true,
public_endpoint: ""
config :pleroma, :emoji,
shortcode_globs: ["/emoji/custom/**/*.png"],
pack_extensions: [".png", ".gif"],
groups: [
Custom: ["/emoji/*.png", "/emoji/**/*.png"]
default_manifest: "",
shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file: 60
config :pleroma, :uri_schemes,
valid_schemes: [
websocket_config = [
path: "/websocket",
serializer: [
{Phoenix.Socket.V1.JSONSerializer, "~> 1.0.0"},
{Phoenix.Socket.V2.JSONSerializer, "~> 2.0.0"}
timeout: 60_000,
transport_log: false,
compress: false
# Configures the endpoint
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
instrumenters: [Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.Instrumenter],
url: [host: "localhost"],
http: [
ip: {127, 0, 0, 1},
dispatch: [
{"/api/v1/streaming", Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.WebsocketHandler, []},
{"/websocket", Phoenix.Endpoint.CowboyWebSocket,
{Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, Pleroma.Web.UserSocket, websocket_config}}},
{:_, Phoenix.Endpoint.Cowboy2Handler, {Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, []}}
protocol: "https",
secret_key_base: "aK4Abxf29xU9TTDKre9coZPUgevcVCFQJe/5xP/7Lt4BEif6idBIbjupVbOrbKxl",
signing_salt: "CqaoopA2",
render_errors: [view: Pleroma.Web.ErrorView, accepts: ~w(json)],
pubsub: [name: Pleroma.PubSub, adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2],
secure_cookie_flag: true,
extra_cookie_attrs: [
# Configures Elixir's Logger
config :logger, :console,
level: :debug,
format: "\n$time $metadata[$level] $message\n",
metadata: [:request_id]
config :logger, :ex_syslogger,
level: :debug,
ident: "pleroma",
format: "$metadata[$level] $message",
metadata: [:request_id]
config :quack,
level: :warn,
meta: [:all],
webhook_url: ""
config :mime, :types, %{
"application/xml" => ["xml"],
"application/xrd+xml" => ["xrd+xml"],
"application/jrd+json" => ["jrd+json"],
"application/activity+json" => ["activity+json"],
"application/ld+json" => ["activity+json"]
config :tesla, adapter: Tesla.Adapter.Gun
# Configures http settings, upstream proxy etc.
config :pleroma, :http,
proxy_url: nil,
send_user_agent: true,
user_agent: :default,
adapter: []
config :pleroma, :instance,
name: "Shigusegubu",
email: "",
notify_email: "",
description: "SigSegV, a pleroma instance",
limit: 5_000,
chat_limit: 5_000,
remote_limit: 100_000,
upload_limit: 200_000_000,
avatar_upload_limit: 2_000_000,
background_upload_limit: 4_000_000,
banner_upload_limit: 4_000_000,
poll_limits: %{
max_options: 20,
max_option_chars: 200,
min_expiration: 0,
max_expiration: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
registrations_open: true,
invites_enabled: false,
account_activation_required: false,
federating: true,
federation_incoming_replies_max_depth: 100,
federation_reachability_timeout_days: 7,
federation_publisher_modules: [
allow_relay: true,
rewrite_policy: [
public: true,
quarantined_instances: [""],
managed_config: true,
static_dir: "instance/static/",
allowed_post_formats: [
mrf_transparency: true,
mrf_transparency_exclusions: [],
autofollowed_nicknames: [],
max_pinned_statuses: 1,
attachment_links: true,
welcome_user_nickname: nil,
welcome_message: nil,
max_report_comment_size: 1000,
safe_dm_mentions: false,
healthcheck: false,
remote_post_retention_days: 90,
skip_thread_containment: true,
limit_to_local_content: :unauthenticated,
user_bio_length: 5000,
user_name_length: 100,
max_account_fields: 10,
max_remote_account_fields: 20,
account_field_name_length: 512,
account_field_value_length: 2048,
external_user_synchronization: true,
extended_nickname_format: true,
cleanup_attachments: false
config :pleroma, :extensions, output_relationships_in_statuses_by_default: true
config :pleroma, :feed,
post_title: %{
max_length: 100,
omission: "..."
config :pleroma, :markup,
# XXX - unfortunately, inline images must be enabled by default right now, because
# of custom emoji. Issue #275 discusses defanging that somehow.
allow_inline_images: true,
allow_headings: false,
allow_tables: false,
allow_fonts: false,
scrub_policy: [
config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations,
pleroma_fe: %{
theme: "sigsegv2",
logo: "/static/logo.svg",
background: "/static/sigsegv_s.png",
redirectRootNoLogin: "/main/all",
redirectRootLogin: "/main/friends",
logoMask: true,
logoMargin: "0.1em",
showInstanceSpecificPanel: true,
scopeOptionsEnabled: false,
formattingOptionsEnabled: false,
collapseMessageWithSubject: false,
hidePostStats: false,
hideUserStats: false,
scopeCopy: false,
subjectLineBehavior: "noop",
alwaysShowSubjectInput: false
masto_fe: %{
showInstanceSpecificPanel: true
config :pleroma, :assets,
mascots: [
pleroma_fox_tan: %{
url: "/images/pleroma-fox-tan-smol.png",
mime_type: "image/png"
pleroma_fox_tan_shy: %{
url: "/images/pleroma-fox-tan-shy.png",
mime_type: "image/png"
default_mascot: :pleroma_fox_tan
config :pleroma, :manifest,
icons: [
src: "/static/logo.png",
type: "image/png"
theme_color: "#282c37",
background_color: "#191b22"
config :pleroma, :activitypub,
unfollow_blocked: true,
outgoing_blocks: true,
follow_handshake_timeout: 500,
note_replies_output_limit: 5,
sign_object_fetches: true,
authorized_fetch_mode: false
config :pleroma, :streamer,
workers: 3,
overflow_workers: 2
config :pleroma, :user, deny_follow_blocked: true
config :pleroma, :mrf_normalize_markup, scrub_policy: Pleroma.HTML.Scrubber.Default
config :pleroma, :mrf_rejectnonpublic,
allow_followersonly: false,
allow_direct: false
config :pleroma, :mrf_hellthread,
delist_threshold: 10,
reject_threshold: 20
config :pleroma, :mrf_simple,
media_removal: [],
media_nsfw: [
federated_timeline_removal: [
report_removal: [],
reject: [],
accept: [],
avatar_removal: [],
banner_removal: [],
reject_deletes: []
config :pleroma, :mrf_keyword,
reject: [],
federated_timeline_removal: [],
replace: []
config :pleroma, :mrf_subchain, match_actor: %{}
config :pleroma, :mrf_vocabulary,
accept: [],
reject: []
config :pleroma, :mrf_object_age,
threshold: 172_800,
actions: [:delist, :strip_followers]
config :pleroma, :rich_media,
enabled: true,
ignore_hosts: [],
ignore_tld: ["local", "localdomain", "lan"],
parsers: [
ttl_setters: [Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.TTL.AwsSignedUrl]
config :pleroma, :media_proxy,
enabled: false,
proxy_opts: [
redirect_on_failure: false,
max_body_length: 25 * 1_048_576,
http: [
follow_redirect: true,
pool: :media
whitelist: []
config :pleroma, :chat, enabled: false
config :phoenix, :format_encoders, json: Jason
config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason
config :phoenix, :filter_parameters, ["password", "confirm"]
config :pleroma, :gopher,
enabled: false,
ip: {0, 0, 0, 0},
port: 9999
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Metadata,
providers: [
unfurl_nsfw: false
config :pleroma, :http_security,
enabled: true,
sts: false,
sts_max_age: 31_536_000,
ct_max_age: 2_592_000,
referrer_policy: "same-origin"
config :cors_plug,
max_age: 86_400,
methods: ["POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "GET", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"],
expose: [
credentials: true,
headers: ["Authorization", "Content-Type", "Idempotency-Key"]
config :pleroma, Pleroma.User,
restricted_nicknames: [
config :pleroma, Oban,
repo: Pleroma.Repo,
verbose: false,
prune: {:maxlen, 1500},
queues: [
activity_expiration: 10,
federator_incoming: 50,
federator_outgoing: 50,
web_push: 50,
mailer: 10,
transmogrifier: 20,
scheduled_activities: 10,
background: 5,
remote_fetcher: 2,
attachments_cleanup: 5,
new_users_digest: 1
crontab: [
{"0 0 * * *", Pleroma.Workers.Cron.ClearOauthTokenWorker},
{"0 * * * *", Pleroma.Workers.Cron.StatsWorker},
{"* * * * *", Pleroma.Workers.Cron.PurgeExpiredActivitiesWorker},
{"0 0 * * 0", Pleroma.Workers.Cron.DigestEmailsWorker},
{"0 0 * * *", Pleroma.Workers.Cron.NewUsersDigestWorker}
config :pleroma, :workers,
retries: [
federator_incoming: 5,
federator_outgoing: 5
config :auto_linker,
opts: [
extra: true,
# TODO: Set to :no_scheme when it works properly
validate_tld: true,
class: false,
strip_prefix: false,
new_window: false,
rel: "ugc"
config :pleroma, :ldap,
enabled: System.get_env("LDAP_ENABLED") == "true",
host: System.get_env("LDAP_HOST") || "localhost",
port: String.to_integer(System.get_env("LDAP_PORT") || "389"),
ssl: System.get_env("LDAP_SSL") == "true",
sslopts: [],
tls: System.get_env("LDAP_TLS") == "true",
tlsopts: [],
base: System.get_env("LDAP_BASE") || "dc=example,dc=com",
uid: System.get_env("LDAP_UID") || "cn"
config :esshd,
enabled: false
oauth_consumer_strategies =
|> to_string()
|> String.split()
|>, ":")))
ueberauth_providers =
for strategy <- oauth_consumer_strategies do
strategy_module_name = "Elixir.Ueberauth.Strategy.#{String.capitalize(strategy)}"
strategy_module = String.to_atom(strategy_module_name)
{String.to_atom(strategy), {strategy_module, [callback_params: ["state"]]}}
config :ueberauth,
base_path: "/oauth",
providers: ueberauth_providers
config :pleroma,
enforce_oauth_admin_scope_usage: true,
oauth_consumer_strategies: oauth_consumer_strategies
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Sendmail, enabled: false
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail,
logo: nil,
styling: %{
link_color: "#d8a070",
background_color: "#2C3645",
content_background_color: "#1B2635",
header_color: "#d8a070",
text_color: "#b9b9ba",
text_muted_color: "#b9b9ba"
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail, enabled: false
config :prometheus, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter, path: "/api/pleroma/app_metrics"
config :pleroma, Pleroma.ScheduledActivity,
daily_user_limit: 25,
total_user_limit: 300,
enabled: true
config :pleroma, :email_notifications,
digest: %{
active: false,
interval: 7,
inactivity_threshold: 7
config :pleroma, :oauth2,
token_expires_in: 600,
issue_new_refresh_token: true,
clean_expired_tokens: false
config :pleroma, :database, rum_enabled: false
config :pleroma, :env, Mix.env()
config :http_signatures,
adapter: Pleroma.Signature
config :pleroma, :rate_limit,
authentication: {60_000, 15},
timeline: {500, 3},
search: [{1000, 10}, {1000, 30}],
app_account_creation: {1_800_000, 25},
relations_actions: {10_000, 10},
relation_id_action: {60_000, 2},
statuses_actions: {10_000, 15},
status_id_action: {60_000, 3},
password_reset: {1_800_000, 5},
account_confirmation_resend: {8_640_000, 5},
ap_routes: {60_000, 15}
config :pleroma, Pleroma.ActivityExpiration, enabled: true
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, enabled: true
config :pleroma, :static_fe, enabled: false
config :pleroma, :web_cache_ttl,
activity_pub: nil,
activity_pub_question: 30_000
config :pleroma, :modules, runtime_dir: "instance/modules"
config :pleroma, configurable_from_database: false
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Repo,
parameters: [gin_fuzzy_search_limit: "500"],
prepare: :unnamed
config :pleroma, :connections_pool,
checkin_timeout: 250,
max_connections: 250,
retry: 1,
retry_timeout: 1000,
await_up_timeout: 5_000
config :pleroma, :pools,
federation: [
size: 50,
max_overflow: 10,
timeout: 150_000
media: [
size: 50,
max_overflow: 10,
timeout: 150_000
upload: [
size: 25,
max_overflow: 5,
timeout: 300_000
default: [
size: 10,
max_overflow: 2,
timeout: 10_000
config :pleroma, :hackney_pools,
federation: [
max_connections: 50,
timeout: 150_000
media: [
max_connections: 50,
timeout: 150_000
upload: [
max_connections: 25,
timeout: 300_000
config :pleroma, :restrict_unauthenticated,
timelines: %{local: false, federated: false},
profiles: %{local: false, remote: false},
activities: %{local: false, remote: false}
# Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom
# of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above.
import_config "#{Mix.env()}.exs"