2022-08-16 19:33:34 +03:00

427 lines
15 KiB

import { toRaw } from 'vue'
import { isEqual, cloneDeep, set, get, clamp, flatten, groupBy, findLastIndex, takeRight } from 'lodash'
import { CURRENT_UPDATE_COUNTER } from 'src/components/update_notification/update_notification.js'
export const VERSION = 1
export const NEW_USER_DATE = new Date('2022-08-04') // date of writing this, basically
export const COMMAND_TRIM_FLAGS = 1000
export const COMMAND_TRIM_FLAGS_AND_RESET = 1001
export const defaultState = {
// do we need to update data on server?
dirty: false,
// storage of flags - stuff that can only be set and incremented
flagStorage: {
updateCounter: 0, // Counter for most recent update notification seen
reset: 0 // special flag that can be used to force-reset all flags, debug purposes only
// special reset codes:
// 1000: trim keys to those known by currently running FE
// 1001: same as above + reset everything to 0
prefsStorage: {
_journal: [],
simple: {
dontShowUpdateNotifs: false,
collapseNav: false
collections: {
pinnedNavItems: ['home', 'dms', 'chats']
// raw data
raw: null,
// local cache
cache: null
export const newUserFlags = {
updateCounter: CURRENT_UPDATE_COUNTER // new users don't need to see update notification
export const _moveItemInArray = (array, value, movement) => {
const oldIndex = array.indexOf(value)
const newIndex = oldIndex + movement
const newArray = [...array]
// remove old
newArray.splice(oldIndex, 1)
// add new
newArray.splice(clamp(newIndex, 0, newArray.length + 1), 0, value)
return newArray
const _wrapData = (data, userName) => ({,
_user: userName,
_version: VERSION
const _checkValidity = (data) => data._timestamp > 0 && data._version > 0
const _verifyPrefs = (state) => {
state.prefsStorage = state.prefsStorage || {
simple: {},
collections: {}
Object.entries(defaultState.prefsStorage.simple).forEach(([k, v]) => {
if (typeof v === 'number' || typeof v === 'boolean') return
console.warn(`Preference simple.${k} as invalid type, reinitializing`)
set(state.prefsStorage.simple, k, defaultState.prefsStorage.simple[k])
Object.entries(defaultState.prefsStorage.collections).forEach(([k, v]) => {
if (Array.isArray(v)) return
console.warn(`Preference collections.${k} as invalid type, reinitializing`)
set(state.prefsStorage.collections, k, defaultState.prefsStorage.collections[k])
export const _getRecentData = (cache, live) => {
const result = { recent: null, stale: null, needUpload: false }
const cacheValid = _checkValidity(cache || {})
const liveValid = _checkValidity(live || {})
if (!liveValid && cacheValid) {
result.needUpload = true
console.debug('Nothing valid stored on server, assuming cache to be source of truth')
result.recent = cache
result.stale = live
} else if (!cacheValid && liveValid) {
console.debug('Valid storage on server found, no local cache found, using live as source of truth')
result.recent = live
result.stale = cache
} else if (cacheValid && liveValid) {
console.debug('Both sources have valid data, figuring things out...')
if (live._timestamp === cache._timestamp && live._version === cache._version) {
console.debug('Same version/timestamp on both source, source of truth irrelevant')
result.recent = cache
result.stale = live
} else {
console.debug('Different timestamp, figuring out which one is more recent')
if (live._timestamp < cache._timestamp) {
result.recent = cache
result.stale = live
} else {
result.recent = live
result.stale = cache
} else {
console.debug('Both sources are invalid, start from scratch')
result.needUpload = true
return result
export const _getAllFlags = (recent, stale) => {
return Array.from(new Set([
...Object.keys(toRaw((recent || {}).flagStorage || {})),
...Object.keys(toRaw((stale || {}).flagStorage || {}))
export const _mergeFlags = (recent, stale, allFlagKeys) => {
if (!stale.flagStorage) return recent.flagStorage
if (!recent.flagStorage) return stale.flagStorage
return Object.fromEntries( => {
const recentFlag = recent.flagStorage[flag]
const staleFlag = stale.flagStorage[flag]
// use flag that is of higher value
return [flag, Number((recentFlag > staleFlag ? recentFlag : staleFlag) || 0)]
const _mergeJournal = (...journals) => {
// Ignore invalid journal entries
const allJournals = flatten( => Array.isArray(j) ? j : [])
).filter(entry =>, 'path') &&, 'operation') &&, 'args') &&, 'timestamp')
const grouped = groupBy(allJournals, 'path')
const trimmedGrouped = Object.entries(grouped).map(([path, journal]) => {
// side effect
journal.sort((a, b) => a.timestamp > b.timestamp ? 1 : -1)
if (path.startsWith('collections')) {
const lastRemoveIndex = findLastIndex(journal, ({ operation }) => operation === 'removeFromCollection')
// everything before last remove is unimportant
if (lastRemoveIndex > 0) {
return journal.slice(lastRemoveIndex)
} else {
// everything else doesn't need trimming
return journal
} else if (path.startsWith('simple')) {
// Only the last record is important
return takeRight(journal)
} else {
return journal
return flatten(trimmedGrouped)
.sort((a, b) => a.timestamp > b.timestamp ? 1 : -1)
export const _mergePrefs = (recent, stale, allFlagKeys) => {
if (!stale) return recent
if (!recent) return stale
const { _journal: recentJournal, ...recentData } = recent
const { _journal: staleJournal } = stale
/** Journal entry format:
* path: path to entry in prefsStorage
* timestamp: timestamp of the change
* operation: operation type
* arguments: array of arguments, depends on operation type
* currently only supported operation type is "set" which just sets the value
* to requested one. Intended only to be used with simple preferences (boolean, number)
* shouldn't be used with collections!
const resultOutput = { ...recentData }
const totalJournal = _mergeJournal(staleJournal, recentJournal)
totalJournal.forEach(({ path, timestamp, operation, command, args }) => {
if (path.startsWith('_')) {
console.error(`journal contains entry to edit internal (starts with _) field '${path}', something is incorrect here, ignoring.`)
switch (operation) {
case 'set':
set(resultOutput, path, args[0])
case 'addToCollection':
set(resultOutput, path, Array.from(new Set(get(resultOutput, path)).add(args[0])))
case 'removeFromCollection': {
const newSet = new Set(get(resultOutput, path))
set(resultOutput, path, Array.from(newSet))
case 'reorderCollection': {
const [value, movement] = args
set(resultOutput, path, _moveItemInArray(get(resultOutput, path), value, movement))
console.error(`Unknown journal operation: '${operation}', did we forget to run reverse migrations beforehand?`)
return { ...resultOutput, _journal: totalJournal }
export const _resetFlags = (totalFlags, knownKeys = defaultState.flagStorage) => {
let result = { ...totalFlags }
const allFlagKeys = Object.keys(totalFlags)
// flag reset functionality
if (totalFlags.reset >= COMMAND_TRIM_FLAGS && totalFlags.reset <= COMMAND_TRIM_FLAGS_AND_RESET) {
console.debug('Received command to trim the flags')
const knownKeysSet = new Set(Object.keys(knownKeys))
// Trim
result = {}
allFlagKeys.forEach(flag => {
if (knownKeysSet.has(flag)) {
result[flag] = totalFlags[flag]
// Reset
if (totalFlags.reset === COMMAND_TRIM_FLAGS_AND_RESET) {
// 1001 - and reset everything to 0
console.debug('Received command to reset the flags')
Object.keys(knownKeys).forEach(flag => { result[flag] = 0 })
} else if (totalFlags.reset > 0 && totalFlags.reset < 9000) {
console.debug('Received command to reset the flags')
allFlagKeys.forEach(flag => { result[flag] = 0 })
result.reset = 0
return result
export const _doMigrations = (cache) => {
if (!cache) return cache
if (cache._version < VERSION) {
console.debug('Local cached data has older version, seeing if there any migrations that can be applied')
// no migrations right now since we only have one version
console.debug('No migrations found')
if (cache._version > VERSION) {
console.debug('Local cached data has newer version, seeing if there any reverse migrations that can be applied')
// no reverse migrations right now but we leave a possibility of loading a hotpatch if need be
if (window._PLEROMA_HOTPATCH) {
if (window._PLEROMA_HOTPATCH.reverseMigrations) {
console.debug('Found hotpatch migration, applying')
return{}, 'serverSideStorage', { from: cache._version, to: VERSION }, cache)
return cache
export const mutations = {
clearServerSideStorage (state, userData) {
state = { ...cloneDeep(defaultState) }
setServerSideStorage (state, userData) {
const live =
state.raw = live
let cache = state.cache
if (cache && cache._user !== userData.fqn) {
console.warn('cache belongs to another user! reinitializing local cache!')
cache = null
cache = _doMigrations(cache)
let { recent, stale, needsUpload } = _getRecentData(cache, live)
const userNew = userData.created_at > NEW_USER_DATE
const flagsTemplate = userNew ? newUserFlags : defaultState.flagStorage
let dirty = false
if (recent === null) {
console.debug(`Data is empty, initializing for ${userNew ? 'new' : 'existing'} user`)
recent = _wrapData({
flagStorage: { ...flagsTemplate },
prefsStorage: { ...defaultState.prefsStorage }
if (!needsUpload && recent && stale) {
console.debug('Checking if data needs merging...')
// discarding timestamps and versions
const { _timestamp: _0, _version: _1, ...recentData } = recent
const { _timestamp: _2, _version: _3, ...staleData } = stale
dirty = !isEqual(recentData, staleData)
console.debug(`Data ${dirty ? 'needs' : 'doesn\'t need'} merging`)
const allFlagKeys = _getAllFlags(recent, stale)
let totalFlags
let totalPrefs
if (dirty) {
// Merge the flags
console.debug('Merging the data...')
totalFlags = _mergeFlags(recent, stale, allFlagKeys)
totalPrefs = _mergePrefs(recent.prefsStorage, stale.prefsStorage)
} else {
totalFlags = recent.flagStorage
totalPrefs = recent.prefsStorage
totalFlags = _resetFlags(totalFlags)
recent.flagStorage = { ...flagsTemplate, ...totalFlags }
recent.prefsStorage = { ...defaultState.prefsStorage, ...totalPrefs }
state.dirty = dirty || needsUpload
state.cache = recent
// set local timestamp to smaller one if we don't have any changes
if (stale && recent && !state.dirty) {
state.cache._timestamp = Math.min(stale._timestamp, recent._timestamp)
state.flagStorage = state.cache.flagStorage
state.prefsStorage = state.cache.prefsStorage
setFlag (state, { flag, value }) {
state.flagStorage[flag] = value
state.dirty = true
setPreference (state, { path, value }) {
if (path.startsWith('_')) {
console.error(`tried to edit internal (starts with _) field '${path}', ignoring.`)
set(state.prefsStorage, path, value)
state.prefsStorage._journal = [
{ operation: 'set', path, args: [value], timestamp: }
state.dirty = true
addCollectionPreference (state, { path, value }) {
if (path.startsWith('_')) {
console.error(`tried to edit internal (starts with _) field '${path}', ignoring.`)
const collection = new Set(get(state.prefsStorage, path))
set(state.prefsStorage, path, [...collection])
state.prefsStorage._journal = [
{ operation: 'addToCollection', path, args: [value], timestamp: }
state.dirty = true
removeCollectionPreference (state, { path, value }) {
if (path.startsWith('_')) {
console.error(`tried to edit internal (starts with _) field '${path}', ignoring.`)
const collection = new Set(get(state.prefsStorage, path))
set(state.prefsStorage, path, [...collection])
state.prefsStorage._journal = [
{ operation: 'removeFromCollection', path, args: [value], timestamp: }
state.dirty = true
reorderCollectionPreference (state, { path, value, movement }) {
if (path.startsWith('_')) {
console.error(`tried to edit internal (starts with _) field '${path}', ignoring.`)
const collection = get(state.prefsStorage, path)
const newCollection = _moveItemInArray(collection, value, movement)
set(state.prefsStorage, path, newCollection)
state.prefsStorage._journal = [
{ operation: 'arrangeCollection', path, args: [value], timestamp: }
state.dirty = true
updateCache (state, { username }) {
state.prefsStorage._journal = _mergeJournal(state.prefsStorage._journal)
state.cache = _wrapData({
flagStorage: toRaw(state.flagStorage),
prefsStorage: toRaw(state.prefsStorage)
}, username)
const serverSideStorage = {
state: {
actions: {
pushServerSideStorage ({ state, rootState, commit }, { force = false } = {}) {
const needPush = state.dirty || force
if (!needPush) return
commit('updateCache', { username: rootState.users.currentUser.fqn })
const params = { pleroma_settings_store: { 'pleroma-fe': state.cache } }
.updateProfile({ params })
.then((user) => {
commit('setServerSideStorage', user)
state.dirty = false
export default serverSideStorage